What Makes You Trust Other People?

To trust other people is to open yourself up so that they can hurt, hurt and disappoint you, but also so that they can help you and be there for you. What are the most common challenges and motivations of jumping into it?
What makes you trust other people?

If we look at the number of people who have difficulty trusting others, then it is easy to see that trust involves a risk. This means that you give up safety in your comfort zone. One runs the risk that other people will betray one or even cause great harm. What is it that makes us trust other people? What drives us to jump into it?

Within this area we find very significant, individual differences. Some people are quick to trust people. Conversely, there are others who need time and periods of testing to place the same trust.

On the one hand, we have people who always expect the best from others. On the other hand, we have others who almost expect others will people will betray them. Is this just a matter of personality?

What is it that makes us trust other people?

Happy woman smiling outside

Our nature

Humans are social beings. That is why we need social interaction. It is beneficial for our health to establish meaningful relationships with others. A sense of belonging is one of our basic needs. In addition to this, however, socialization is rewarding, and it affects our self-esteem and well-being in a positive way.

When it comes to building bonds with others and allowing them to get close to us, trust is an essential component. It will not be possible to manifest any kind of bond with other people without a minimal degree of trust. We can therefore see that our social nature is one of the primary aspects that motivates us to trust others.


In addition to this, the ability to trust others is very much something we learn. It is conditioned by our experiences in the first months of life. It depends on the way people around us have taught us how to relate to others. It is based on the relationships we have established with them. We are talking here about the quality of our first affiliations.

If these first attachments meet a person’s needs in a sufficient, sustained and coherent way, then a general basis of trust in the world will be created in them.

Conversely, if the attention and care a child has received has been unpredictable and inconsistent, then it is likely that the person will have difficulty trusting others.

As a result, all of our life experiences have since contributed to either confirming or shaping these early impressions. Our experiences in all the meaningful relationships we have will either increase or decrease our ability to trust people.

Time makes us trust other people

Without a doubt, time is one of the factors that affects the trust you have in others the most. Once you’ve met someone, you can not fully trust him or her. You are not yet familiar with the person’s values ​​and attitudes.

As time goes on, you will find out what type of person that person is. You will also find out how he or she behaves or reacts in different situations. Based on this, you will either increase or decrease the degree of trust you have in that person.

This also happens in relationships without any kind of emotional element. Let’s imagine you’re just starting a job at a company. The most logical situation here is that your colleagues and your boss to begin with will not have much confidence in you.

As you begin to show your abilities and that you are worth their trust, then you will gradually get more and more responsibility and more and more tasks.

If you analyze your relationships,  you will find that the people you trust the most are the ones you have shared your life with for a long time. Over time, they have shown persistence in their behaviors and attitudes. This has contributed to the relationship developing.


In conclusion, we must remember that actions say more than words. That way, a person’s reputation will be fundamental when it comes to whether you can trust that person or not.

When you are with someone you do not really know, that person’s reputation (what you have heard about him or her) will affect whether you are more open or more careful with him or her.

As time goes on, the things you have found out about the person will become less important when you compare with the actual experiences you have had with that person. Trust is built through actions. It is the other person’s behaviors and attitudes that will determine if he or she is worth your trust or not.

Common high five

Your willingness to trust others

In short, trust is experienced on both sides. There is no doubt that most of us need to know the other person, to a greater or lesser degree, in order to trust him or her.  However, there are also many people, show previous betrayal prevents them from establishing good, solid relationships.

If this is your case and you feel bad about it, you can always seek the help of a specialist to assess the situation. The person’s assessment and action plan will help you find a way to trust others and be trusted.

It will allow you to build close relationships. As a result, you will feel much better about your interactions with people.

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