What It’s Like To Live Without A Family

This is how it is to live without a family

There is a segment of society that goes through life without a family. And this group seems to be growing. It is a new reality taking place all over the world.

The reasons for this are many. Sometimes an only child does not create a family for himself. Thus, they are alone when they reach old age. Sometimes families simply disperse, and each person lives thousands of miles apart. And other times, it is violence that forces a person to live without a family. It may also be that an elderly person is abandoned by their relatives.

“The bond that unites your authentic family is not blood, but mutual respect and joy.”
–Richard Bach–

The disturbing thing is that it was not so long ago that it was an exception. But even if it is not a majority , it is still a common and growing scenario. The number of people deciding not to marry has grown, and the number of families having only one child is also much higher.

Living without a family makes us more vulnerable

The concept of “family” is idealized a lot. The truth is that there are always problems in families. As with couples, families are also full of contradictions. They are made up of people, and then there is always a mixture of noble feelings and negative passions.

Man without a family sitting alone by the sea

Nevertheless, family relationships are usually stronger than those we establish with others. As they say, “blood is thicker than water”. Even among relatives who do not understand each other very well, blood ties often mean a certain degree of commitment, to each other.

This is why living without a family makes us more vulnerable. True, the family is a huge source of physical or psychological risk . But he who has a family that is more or less healthy is better protected from the dangers of life.

Loneliness as a choice

It has been said that sooner or later we will all face loneliness. Either because there is no one to go to, or because others are just not available to help us. And it is true whether you are with or without a family. We must all prepare for it emotionally.

Woman without a family standing alone in field

Is it possible to live without a family and still be happy? The answer is yes. Humans are endowed with an incredible ability to adapt, which enables us to cope with all kinds of conditions.

The only really important thing is that this condition is the fruit of conscious choice. Because we have either freely chosen such a life ourselves, or because the circumstances have been such that the person can accept that life without changing their overall course.

When living without a family is a condition we are forced into, things can be very different. It can be very painful. It can also lead to fear and anxiety, which eventually leads to physical illness and even death.

Think about the future and push yourself forward

There is a point in life where everyone needs to identify how much living without a family means to them. Sometimes you can just let time go by without actually facing the problem. But there comes a time when it may be too late.

If we recognize that it is very important for us to live with others, we can make decisions and measures to do so the way we live. After all, the circumstances of our lives do not fall from the sky; they must be built. First in the mind and heart, and then in action. And in fact, there are many ways to build a family today. We can mix our options and choose the best one.

Woman in field with balls flying around her

On the other hand, if we find that living with others is not so important to us, we must prepare to accept the cost of that decision. However, there are benefits as well . Living without a family does not mean sinking into absolute loneliness. There are ways to feel as if everything and everyone is your home.

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