Using A Positive Language Can Change Your Outlook On Life

We all deserve the opportunity to live a good life and have a good history. Words are one of the best tools we can use to have a good future and good emotional health. Therefore, we must be careful about what we say to ourselves and to others.
Using positive language can change your outlook on life

Using a positive language can change our lives as it helps us improve our way of communicating and thus our relationships with others. It also affects the way we see the world. In addition, it even has the potential to change the way we feel and help us find happiness.

We tend to complain and criticize things that bother us every day. If it’s cold, if it’s raining, if we have to stand in line, if we have a lot of work to do, if we do not like the food we eat. In that regard, we focus all our energy on things we do not like. We only pay attention to the negative aspects of our daily lives, which makes it even harder for us to enjoy our day.

But if we use positive language, the possibilities open up around us and it will affect our brain. In fact, if we send positive messages to our brain, it will respond differently than if we repeat all that unpleasant hernia. Therefore, if we try to leave positive thoughts in our minds, our chances of living a good life will be greater.

The strength of a positive language

Words are powerful. They are able to have an immediate effect on our mood and even remain in our minds and hearts forever. Think, for example, of a moment when someone told you something that made you very happy. I bet you still remember how good it made you feel. Now think of a moment when someone told you something you did not like. The feeling of sadness / anger may have been sitting in you ever since.

The philosopher, Luis Castellanos, is a pioneer in positive language research. He applies the discoveries of neuroscience to his everyday life. In this way, he is able to create innovative strategies, tools and practical solutions that create wonderful changes in people’s lives.

Woman with smile on paper uses positive language to be happy

As a main tool, he uses certain clinical results obtained through MRI scan with electroencephalography as support. Through his research, he has been able to observe how the synaptic connections in the brain behave using positive and negative words. Thus, Luis Castellanos has shown the influence of the use of positive language in education.

5 guidelines for using positive language

Below we will show you five keys to help you apply the power of positive language in your life. Let’s see what they are:

Correct your language

First of all, find out what you want to convey to the person you are talking to. Then try to avoid using negative, derogatory or humiliating words.

If the other person then does not behave as expected in the given situation, you can tell them in a positive way, instead of criticizing them and hurting their feelings. Tell them that they can try again and that you appreciate their efforts. Also forget words like “You are not doing anything right” or “You are stupid”. We are all human and deserve respect.

Change your mood

Write a list of motivating words (joy, kindness, discovery, gratitude, happiness, smile) and read them aloud whenever you feel like changing or controlling your emotions. You will see how this exercise will improve your mood.

Woman smiles as she walks

The important thing is to regulate your language through training. As a consequence, you will become more accustomed to communicating in a positive way. In addition, you will be aware of the emotions you are experiencing, which will help you find the appropriate words to be able to express them more easily.

Avoid stamping someone with negative words

Calling another human being a “fool” or an “incompetent person” can have a direct impact on how others perceive them as well. In fact, the person themselves may begin to have lower self-esteem because they might begin to believe it.

Stamping someone presupposes the recognition that others have of us; they could even presuppose the goals we would like to achieve in the future. Therefore, do not stamp anyone if you do not feel like it. But if you feel you have to do it anyway, be sure to do it in a positive, uplifting way.

Communicate through your emotions

This key is related to the one we just discussed. Not only do you need to be aware of your own feelings – it is also important to be aware of others. Show interest in what others are feeling. It can uplift them so they can feel better about themselves. As a result, they will feel more secure and equipped to fulfill their dreams and overcome new challenges.

We can make people laugh, smile, cry, scream, suffer and so on – just by words. Let us make sure to use positive language to improve our own view of life as well as that of others.

Positive language and optimism

By using positive language we can get the best out of life and ourselves. Speaking in positive terms can make you feel better in certain situations.
Beyond that, incorporating positive language into your daily routine can change the way you perceive the world (for the better).

As Castellanos says, we all deserve the opportunity to live a good life and have a good history. Words are one of the best tools we can use to have a good future and good emotional health. Therefore, we must be careful about what we say to ourselves and to others.

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