Taking Distance From Experiences Is Crucial For Change

Taking distance from previous experiences is important for transformation. It is your choice to either transform or remain stationary and unable to fly.
Taking distance from experiences is crucial for change

Who has not felt the desire to change unpleasant experiences into some others that are a little more pleasant? Unfortunately, we are talking about something that is not always possible. Although you may not be able to change reality through your behavior, it is certainly in your hands to distance yourself from experiences.

Psychology has taught us how to do this through a cognitive, humanistic and integrated approach. In addition, psychoanalysis also showed us some avenues for transformation.

Throughout this article, we will show you what it means to distance yourself from experiences. We also tell you how psychology has contributed to that. In addition, we explain why this is a transformative question, how to distance oneself from experiences, and what the benefits of doing so are.

To distance oneself from experiences: What is it about?

Drawing of woman with hand by face

When we talk about distancing ourselves from experiences, we are talking about changing their meaning and seeing them from a new perspective that is less worrying and exhausting.

For example, you experienced something that gave you great suffering and pain. You can not change what happened, but you can transform it. How? By considering it a learning experience. It certainly taught you something valuable. Thus, seeing it in this light will actually reduce your pain. It helps you move forward.

Each of your experiences is associated with a feeling. And the meaning you attach to each experience will always be tied to it. Therefore, it gives a different meaning that you focus on a different feeling. For example, you can go from sorrow to joy. The idea here is that the transformation must be positive.

The contributions from different disciplines

One of the goals of psychology is, among other things, to study a person’s behavior, thoughts, and emotions. From its various approaches, it makes many contributions in terms of distancing oneself from experiences, such as:

  • Cognitive psychology. In therapy, there is a theory called cognitive restructuring, in which a person identifies aspects of their lives that are poorly adapted, with the help of a therapist. Once they have finished identifying them, they start replacing them with new ones that are more appropriate. In this way, their emotional load decreases.
  • Humanistic psychology. It consists of several branches that focus on the potential of man. One of them is logotherapy. Its basic principle is to make life meaningful. That is, it suggests that we are all capable of finding an opinion that will help us overcome adversity.
  • Psychoanalysis. It helps to resign one’s life, from accessing the deepest part of one’s being to realizing all the unconscious functions, resistance, and defense mechanisms you may have. It is a form of transformation as you can begin to see everything from a different perspective.
  • Integrated psychology gives you a way to distance yourself from experiences by expanding consciousness and spirituality. It allows you to discover what is outside of yourself.

Each of these branches approaches the depths of a person’s being to distance themselves from their experiences. That is, they all start from self-knowledge because you can start on the path to transformation by knowing yourself better.

Now you can not always do it alone. Some situations will not be in your power, either because they are very traumatic or because they produce an exuberant joy. It is important to ask for help if you feel this way.

This is how you can distance yourself from experiences

Woman with umbrella at waterfall working on distancing herself from experiences

Here are a few different suggestions:

  • First, know yourself.
  • Then you value yourself.
  • Then think about what is toxic to you and how you can change it.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Make a list of priorities to find out what emotions and experiences are stagnating.
  • Then learn to control your emotions.
  • Give yourself plenty of time.
  • Finally, ask for help.

While it may seem like an easy road, it is not. In addition, a huge part of its complexity is the need to walk on roads that have never been taken before. Thus, you will have to get lost and get to know yourself again and again.

The benefits of distancing yourself from experiences

  • It helps to release tension.
  • Next, it leads to greater self-knowledge.
  • It boosts your confidence.
  • It leads to greater emotional control.
  • In addition, it makes you more determined.
  • Finally , it develops resilience and allows you to learn to take care of yourself.

Taking distance from previous experiences is important for transformation. It is your choice to either transform or remain stationary and unable to fly.

Be brave and explore yourself fully. You will find a meaning that motivates you. Increase your resilience and use it to meet any future difficulties. Restore your experiences again so you can heal and move on.

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