Neuromarketing: The Neuroscience Behind Buying Things

Neuromarketing is a field that examines how we act and how our unconscious decisions affect this.
Neuromarketing: The neuroscience behind buying things

Many companies try to access certain instinctive parts of our brains to get us to buy their products. This is called neuromarketing or the neuroscience behind buying things.

After all, there are a lot of different things that make up our personalities. Our memories and thoughts influence the decisions we make. It formulates who we are as human beings.

When a large company wants to know if one of its products will be successful, it does market research. They perform them to get an idea of ​​how many people will potentially buy the given product.

Of course, these studies always end up involving psychology or neuroscience. What makes you buy one thing and not another? What role does your personal experience play in this decision? Are there stimuli that make us more receptive to advertising? How do we respond to different forms of advertising?

Answering these questions and many others is the goal of neuromarketing. Many people have started studying the subject, like Paul Zack, Tim Pethick and Néstor Braidot. We based our article on their studies.

Neuromarketing: The study of the decisions and emotions involved in buying things

The researchers we just mentioned have all studied the unconscious side of marketing. Braidot, for example, is an expert in neuroscience. Pethick focuses more on the emotional side of marketing. Finally, Zack studies what goes on in our brains during the decision-making process.

Yet all of their different interests fit under the concept of neuromarketing and our purchasing decisions. They have the same goal: to find out what’s going on in our heads when we need to buy something. That way, they can tailor commercials to a person’s personality, needs, and emotional state.

Brain with colorful paint illustrates the effect of neuromarketing

Recent studies have shown that we make most of our decisions unconsciously. In other words, there are many hidden factors in the workplace in the process.

If we apply this in modern marketing, it becomes clear that our emotional side plays an important role in our shopping experience. It is not a rational process. Therefore, we have different perceptions of different brands, even though they may sell the same products.

What is the goal of neuromarketing?

Ultimately, the goal of neuromarketing is to analyze everything related to the buying experience. Researchers use different questions and scenarios to figure out how best to use stimuli to get us to buy things. Of course, they do this through advertising and customer attraction and retention strategies.

They want to learn how to influence our purchasing decisions. They do this by studying causal relationships between our behavior and mind. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Many companies rely on the decisions we make to be successful.

The largest companies spend a lot of money on experts and neuro-researchers who analyze consumers’ interests in them. Understanding our decision-making process helps them create perfect tailored marketing strategies.

A man buys something on his phone

The rules of neuromarketing

The experts at Envíalo Simple, a Spanish company, have outlined three basic neuromarketing rules:

  • A comfortable environment: Whether online or in a store, make sure your customers feel comfortable and do not want to leave the place. The more welcoming the environment is, the more likely they are to come back.
  • Innovation: You can not continue to use the same strategies forever, even if they have worked in the past. As consumer trends evolve, so does the market. Therefore, you need to change your strategies to keep up with the market.
  • Stimulation: A good strategy should also involve sensory stimulation. That means using sight, taste, hearing or even touch and smell if possible. The goal is to create a positive feeling. In this way, customers’ brains connect product or sales environment with positive memories.

Many advertising campaigns based on our understanding of the subconscious mind already exist. Could you have ever imagined that we would use neuroscience and psychology in this way? While it can be a little intimidating, it’s hard to deny that it’s a little fascinating too.

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