Look Beyond Your Own Physical Reflection

Look beyond your own physical reflection

Today I sat in front of the mirror to talk to my own mirror image. I did it to accept that I am not perfect, to love myself as I am. Seeing myself beyond my physical appearance for the first time, and understanding who I really am – an accumulation of all the experiences I have been through.

Today I learned that life is reflected on the skin. Although they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are also the door to hope. But sometimes it is hard to see his mirror image in the mirror and look beyond your appearance to see that we are not only made of flesh and blood, but also experiences, hopes and dreams.

We are not just flesh and blood – we are everything we have been and want to be.

Wrinkles reflect concern around the eyes and laughter around the mouth. They reflect the words that are not broadcast, as well as the ones we spat out and regretted later. They are a part of us that shows the world who we are.

It can be quite difficult to look at one’s soul when looking in the mirror. We tend to do this when we regret the past, instead of looking to the future when we cling to what we have lost instead of assessing what we have achieved when we try to make it happen. to look perfect, like porcelain, as if we are lifeless dolls, without any life experience.

Woman with glass in front of eyes to show mirror image

Learn from the past by acknowledging your reflection

But we are more than what the eye sees. We are our past and it shows on our skin. The past shows us where we came from, but it does not determine where we are going. We are the ones who choose where to take our next step.

However, it is important to remember to learn from the past, without clinging to it. The past is part of who we are, but it does not define what we can be. It is the bricks that make up our foundation, but not what is inside.

Remember , we are not just a reflection of the past; we are also what we struggle to be tomorrow. We must honor the past and learn from our mistakes, but not let them determine every step we take.

If you choose to give up and let your past become your present, you will be nothing but a spectator in life and you will stop really living.

Woman with own mirror image

The future is a reflection of what could be

I listened to my reflection and spoke fearlessly about the future that I wanted to see in the mirror. I understood that the will to fight for what I really want is more valuable than the mistakes I have made in the past. You do not always have to look at reality, exactly as it is, but what you can achieve if you do what you want to do.

It takes time to build the future that you want, but you only do it if you are patient and do not give up, no matter how far away your goals seem right now . It is a virtue to continue when faced with adversity. It is an ability to learn from your mistakes, and a sign of intelligence to free yourself from the rock that made you fall.

Today I was sitting in front of the mirror to talk to my mirror image. I understood that I am everything I have experienced and I become everything I want to be. It is in my hands to fight for my dreams and learn from my mistakes. Ultimately, our dreams are within reach if we get to know ourselves beyond the mirror image we project. No one is perfect, but we are perfectly imperfect.

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