Life Changes When You Change Your Thoughts

Life changes when you change your thoughts

When you change your mind, it’s like a little lightning strike in your brain. No one has ever seen thoughts. But their power is infinite. They shape the way we see the world. They fill us with rejuvenating emotions so we can transform our reality.

Today, there is an abundance, almost a surplus, of books that encourage us to increase the power of our minds or to become “more intelligent” following a somewhat esoteric and unscientific mindset. Perhaps these authors have forgotten that neuroscience already gives us amazing answers and new perspectives to understand the mechanisms that govern our brain much better.

“Reality is only a perception, albeit a very persistent one”
-Albert Einstein-

Words like neurogenesis and neuroplasticity have made great strides in terms of when it was assumed that the adult mindset ceased to form new nerve cells at a certain age. V ur thoughts are undoubtedly a powerful weapon. For they create new bridges and new connections. They reorient the map of our emotions or the projector strip that sets the film of life in motion.

Movies are running

The thoughts that create your reality

Thanks to the continuous development of diagnostic techniques, such as computerized tomography, great progress has been made in understanding brain function. One of the most interesting discoveries has been finally understanding how thoughts are created and what happens when you change your thoughts. Let us give an example. When we see a red sphere and our retina captures every characteristic, the information moves through structures such as the geniculate nucleus, the visual cortex, and so on.

“We are all born original, and we end up as copies.”

But if we close our eyes and someone asks us to think of a red ball, as surprising as it may seem, our brain will activate exactly the same structures. That is, the brain reflects the same activity when it sees as when it feels. This surprising information forces the entire scientific community and all of us to ask the same question:  if in the brain there is no difference between what it sees and what it imagines… What is our authentic reality then?

Without a doubt, the whole conceptual realm of the quantum mind comes into play here. But we will leave it at that for the time being. We will stick to more useful, concrete aspects. Our reality consists of something as simple as it is powerful: our emotions, where our thoughts are the true catalysts. To understand it better, we need to go deeper into a number of basic aspects.

Man walks with book, woman walks with lizard

What are thoughts and what happens when you change your thoughts?

A thought is simply a particular chemical formula accompanied by an electrical impulse. This may seem sad, but at the same time it is fascinating. Every time we think of something, our nerve cells connect it through the synaptic fissures that emit a certain type of biochemistry. That way, you can change your life when you change your mind.

We know that our thoughts create our emotions. When they send a message, it is our hippocampus that is responsible for translating the message by discharging a series of neuropeptides through the pituitary gland. These neuropeptides are then released into the bloodstream, triggering a series of reactions.

Little by little, the following can happen.  If our brain becomes accustomed to receiving a certain pattern of emotions, it can end up creating ordinary thoughts. This is what happens with stress, for example. Sometimes we are so overtaken by a certain feeling (fear) that we lose control and move forward every day in a reality with which we do not identify.

What kind of reality do you prefer?

It’s not about being “more intelligent” or aiming to increase your IQ overnight . Rather, it is about being able to create a reality that matches our needs, qualities, and overall right to be happier.

“Reality is always there. What matters is your perception ”
-Diego Dillenberg-

To achieve this, we must first become aware of one thing: our reality is biased by our state of mind, the weight of our memories, our interpretations and thoughts. There will always be some people going through life with tunnel vision, in a reality so closed that they are not able to see all the possibilities around them.

Let’s learn to see the world with panorama and technicolor vision, let’s create a wider reality. Here’s how:

Eye in color shows what happens when you change your thoughts

Our thoughts and neurogenesis

Neurogenesis refers to our natural ability to form new nerve cells. During 1928, Santiago Ramón y Cajal stated that “everything can die, nothing can be regenerated “. Today, this sentence collapses if we think about our mind, the real architect of our reality.

  • First, it is important to remember that the biggest enemy in our mind is stress. So much so that it changes the internal structure, reduces neuronal connection and even reduces the size of the hippocampus.
  • We need to control our emotional world and keep in mind that it is our thoughts that control it. Therefore, when you change your thoughts, you change your emotional world. One way to achieve this is by using the following questions: how do I want it? How am I doing now? What worries me? What can I do to resolve this?
  • A firm, courageous and optimistic internal dialogue can help us channel many of our negative emotions.
  • Also remember that exercise is a wonderful way to promote neurogenesis. Not only does it provide oxygen to the brain, but it also relieves stress thanks to the endorphins it releases, and it generates new nerve cells.
  • Another way to create new thoughts is by changing habits. Break routines, put yourself in new situations, pursue new hobbies or meet stimulating people. It is very restorative for your brain and state of mind.

Finally , we must not forget the wonderful effects of meditation on our minds. This practice, which harmonizes mind and body, has major effects on our emotional world. It promotes alpha and gamma waves, which create greater neuronal connection.

Let us be architects of our reality. Let us remember that there is no such thing as neutral thoughts. All thoughts are capable of creating a particular reality. It is up to us to make it wonderful.

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