Learn To Say How You Feel

Do not hide your feelings from the road!
Learn to say how you feel

Learn to say how you feel because it will improve your mental health. Being able to communicate with your emotions will make it easier for you to be with others, set boundaries when needed, and improve your mental state.

It is not easy to learn to say how you feel. Where do you start? It is also much easier to describe other actions and what they say and do. But it can be complex, painful and intimate to understand what you are feeling and put some words into it. 

You could say that you have to learn a new language. A language that unites emotions, feelings and thoughts. You need to channel your emotions out somehow. Expressing oneself is cathartic and healing.

Daniel Goleman defines it as opening a cage and letting one’s emotions come out into the open. That’s easier said than done. Learning to say how you feel will also give you less pain. But how can you do that? Who can help you with that?

These are the important questions. Since it is important to learn to say how you feel, it is also relevant to have someone to help you with it. Some people will make you feel small, while others will make you feel as if you have air under your wings.

Friends talking together

Tips for learning to say how you feel

Learning to say what you feel will make you feel more comfortable and is an investment in your well-being, self-esteem and the stability of your emotions. But there is something that you need to understand. Do not wait until the last minute when the cup is about to overflow. Your frustration can make you feel less comfortable and keep you from moving forward.

Expressing your feelings every day is something that you have to work on. If something makes you feel angry, do not hide it. Instead, be more assertive in the way you express yourself. If certain people or situations hurt you or make you nervous or upset, do not let it pass.

Looking it in the eye that has hurt you can help your relationship with other people. To be honest, to know to be assertive and control his emotions will give you better health and improve the way you meet others.

Understand how you feel

The first step to communicating with one’s emotions is by being aware of oneself. An example might be if you have been arguing with your partner lately. You often get angry at that person. Thus, you have to think about what it is that is to blame for these quarrels.

Sometimes the problem is not the one you live with. Your job can be the cause of it and all the stress that you have experienced. This lack of joy piles up until you get home.

Mother and daughter talk together as a method of conveying how you feel

Emotions can be stored for too long if you do not say what you are feeling

Jack Mayer and Peter Salovey, professors at the University of New Hampshire and Yale University, point out that every emotion is a code that holds certain information. Therefore, you need to understand this code and be able to translate it into others.

The problem is that no one has ever taught you how to do it. People have probably tried to persuade you to keep calm. If something hurts, you say nothing. If you’re angry about something, just be polite and let it pass.

You have been told that there are bad feelings such as excitement, rage, sadness or disappointment. But you need to make room for them too and learn how to read them and use them to your own advantage as a fine tool for your psychological well-being.

  • If I’m angry about something, I say how I feel I will be able to get through it.
  • If I’m excited, it’s because something in my life needs to be redone.
  • If I’m sad, I need to give myself more time to get better.
Woman embracing her boyfriend

My mood is my own, but I can share it with people who understand me

Learning to say how you feel will help you improve your emotional intelligence. In the same way, you do not have to wait for others to come and solve your problems if you are a little down. Nor can you pass your joy on to others. It’s something that only you can work on yourself.

You can expect support and understanding from the people around you. Choose them carefully. Try to avoid those who are quick to judge you, who you feel bad about being with, and those who come up with a quick solution to everything, which, however, takes much longer.

In short, it is not easy to control one’s emotions. But by understanding your feelings and by being assertive when expressing your feelings, you can find a way to get better. You just keep working on it!

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