Is It A Mistake To Use Corporal Punishment Of Children?

Is it a mistake to use corporal punishment of children?

Corporal punishment has catastrophic consequences for a child’s development. While it is true that sometimes it seems like the easiest way to deal with a child’s disobedience, beating them is never the best solution. It may be effective – at first – and practical, but only because it requires no thought.

But there is always a better choice. There is a way to raise a child who, despite the extra effort it will take, will be far better for them in the long run.

What is corporal punishment?

Unfortunately, some parents still believe in the old adage: ” save the rod and spoil the child”.  But each blow gives a mark that does more harm than good. It creates something in them that is much more fearful than a desire to behave well. Disciplining children with corporal punishment will put them back in their development.

When we talk about corporal punishment, it includes pushing, shaking, nibbling and slapping and hitting. These actions can stop a particular behavior, but they do not explain how that behavior is wrong. It just associates that act with a punishment.

Boy tied with rope plagued with corporal punishment

Logically, corporal punishment just encourages behavior that we do not actually want in our children. We already know that children tend to imitate what they see. So if they experience physical aggression in their daily lives, they will think it is okay to beat others.

If we love our children and they feel this love, but we still beat them when they make mistakes or do not understand anything, then they think that violence is part of the love. They will develop the understanding that intimidation and violence are valid ways to love. After all, adults know everything – at least in the eyes of a child.

Consequences of corporal punishment of children

As we can see, corporal punishment does very little to stop a particular behavior. The negative effects can be very serious, especially in the long run. And if we add things like shouting, the emotional issues will multiply. Therefore, it is important to keep these consequences in mind:

  • Beating a child impedes healthy independence and initiative. It makes it harder for them to solve problems and love themselves. It leads to low self-esteem.
  • It also limits a child’s intelligence as it grows. Corporal punishment dramatically disrupts learning processes.
  • It also causes problems in family relationships. It will affect them socially and emotionally.
  • Corporal punishment can make a child feel abandoned, sad and alone. The child will feel useless and unnecessary.
  • The child’s worldview gradually becomes dark, negative and threatening. It will feel like it has no place in the world.
  • The child may experience uncontrolled anger and feel the urge to run away.

How to discipline a child without resorting to violence

We know that it is not always easy to discipline children. It’s normal; they have their own personalities and want to express themselves. But violence is never the answer. When they are very young, one cannot talk sense to them. But children should start absorbing the rules and norms of the home very early.

There are many alternatives to corporal punishment and ways to promote a healthy home environment. For example, one can use positive reinforcement. Reward good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior. Teaching them which behaviors are correct also signals which ones are not. This is the power of positive reinforcement.

Father and son give high five

As parents, we must try to remain comprehensible. Corporal punishment is more impulse than discipline. In fact, many parents do not want to beat their children, but when they do, they justify it by that fact.

It is a controversial topic. But our children deserve better .

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