Intelligent People Have Fewer Friends

Intelligent people have fewer friends

It is not considered intelligent to have only a few friends. On the contrary, the lack of friends puts you in the category of weird , among the kind of people who do not like to interact with others. But is there truth in any of this? Is it true that having fewer friends is strange? In fact, some people say that intelligent people have fewer friends.

This is a revolutionary statement that many people have identified with while others have opened their eyes in amazement. A study has revealed that intelligent people have far fewer friends, perhaps because they act very differently than what we are used to.

Psychologists, Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Lee, concluded that people living in places with a high population density feel less happy. This statement makes sense to many people, but it had never been proven or even investigated, it turned out. But now it has been highlighted by statistics which confirm that the claim is true.

Intelligent people and friends

When you think of wise people, you can think of people who get good grades or always have a book in their hands. They prefer to spend their time in the library to get ahead with assignments from the teacher. Socialization is not something they need, and in fact, they are happy in their loneliness.

Book with bird symbolizes intelligent people

The study, conducted by the London School of Economics and Singapore Management University, revealed that people with a high IQ do not need to interact as much as other people to feel good.

On the other hand, people with a much lower IQ showed a need to socialize  and spend more time getting to know people. This showed that intelligent people go against the flow with regard to the rest of the population. They do not do what is considered “normal”. They are happy without such an active social life.

Most people need to hang out with friends and other people who regularly share their mindset to be happy.

Participants included 15,000 people between the ages of 18 and 28. This is a young age group where the need for interaction and meeting other people is greater. But despite that, intelligent people did not feel as happy when they were social as others did. The pleasant feeling of being with other people and meeting new people is not experienced equally between the two groups, which was a very important result.

Loneliness and independence

Many people have severe problems with loneliness and emotional dependence. We were not brought up to live on the margins of everything and everyone. We are social beings who enjoy good company and even sometimes need this company. But what if you love your loneliness?

The study showed that intelligent people are much more satisfied when they spend time alone. This does not mean that they isolate themselves from the world; of course, they interact with people, but only with close and familiar people.

Intelligent people can count their friends on one hand, and if they lose them somehow, they have no problem moving on. They are willing to face life without the need for any support. Unlike many people,  they do not leave their happiness in the hands of others.

Intelligent people are in harmony with themselves, and socialization is not one of their priorities.

They are much more independent and enjoy their solitude. This is something that is unthinkable for most people. In this regard, the researchers turned to the Savanna theory, which focuses on the evolution of the human brain, from the beginning until now.

Ready to do it alone

When Homo sapiens first went to earth, they were not separated from everyone else. Instead, they lived together in large open spaces. There were very few people and they formed groups to protect themselves and survive.

Intelligent people feel as if they are in the large and lonely spaces with few people around them. Therefore  , they are ready to face challenges alone without the help or support of strangers. They are confident in themselves. Counting on other people they do not know could lower them.

The people who have contributed great inventions to the world were not exactly known for their social abilities. Maybe their projects and goals made them much happier than interacting with others. Kanazawa of the London School of Economics also dropped another bomb: the most intelligent women also do not have children or have them later in life.

They have a good point if you look around the world. People with more education, careers or other forms of training do not have children until they are over 30 years old. However, most people who finish their education after high school already have a family with one or more children.

It seems that being more or less intelligent has a lot to do with addiction and the direction you are taking in life. According to the study, your intelligence level may lead you down one path or another.

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