Improved Self-esteem: How To Achieve It?

The way you communicate with yourself is a key factor in improving self-esteem. If you are too hard on yourself, you will only weaken your self-concept and your self-love. Is it possible to improve self-esteem?
Improved self-esteem: How to achieve it?

An improved self-esteem is a goal we all should aim for. As we grow, we build our identity and strengthen our self-perception. This process of self-knowledge and personal growth is indispensable for interacting with the world around us as well as ourselves in a healthier way.

Self-esteem is strongly associated with self-perception. Self-perception alludes to people’s beliefs about themselves. Self-esteem is the emotional echo of self-perception: How we feel about the image we have of ourselves. Thus, self-perception and self-esteem are connected to the point where they nurture each other in a way.

What happens when self-esteem and self-esteem are so low that it affects our lives? Is it possible to achieve improved self-esteem? If so, how do you do that? We give you some useful tips in this article.

Improved self-esteem through self-care

The way you nurture yourself is a result of your self-esteem. Whether you take care of yourself or not depends on your self-esteem. Let’s look at it from a different perspective: When we take care of others, it can make them feel better. The same goes for ourselves. Sometimes it’s easy to forget to prioritize yourself. However, it is the biggest component when it comes to self-love.

You can begin to improve your self-esteem by making more realistic judgments about your performance or about your real responsibility for certain mistakes or goals you have not achieved. It is also important to ask yourself what you really want and need. Give yourself time and try to find answers to these questions.

Identify your strengths

Improved self-esteem is only possible if you trust your strengths. All individuals have a list of strengths they can improve even more if they give themselves the opportunity to do so. It’s your turn to do it for yourself so you do not waste your potential.

If you are stuck in the “I have no strengths” mentality, look back on your past achievements. You must not deny your strengths, because you are guaranteed to have many of them. Take a closer look at yourself and the things you love to do. Look for honest answers otherwise this advice will not help.

Woman holding a red heart

Change your internal dialogue

The way you communicate with yourself is the key factor for improved self-esteem. If your internal dialogue is based on constant negative criticism, self-censorship, or punishment, your self-esteem will be one of the first to suffer.

Think about it for a moment. If you spend time criticizing someone and you tell them things like, ” You can not ,” ” You are worthless, ” or ” You are not good at anything, ” how do they want it? Do you think they would like that? The answer is no. So why are you telling yourself these things?

This internal dialogue is irrational. Sometimes we interpret situations in the worst possible way, even when the evidence supporting our conclusion is weak. Given these negative thoughts, it is important to:

1. Identify them. Is what you say to yourself rational or irrational? Does it help you become a better person, or does it keep you down?

2. Implement strategies that undermine their power.

You can start making changes in internal communication by asking questions such as: “ Would I say this to a friend? ”Or“ Would this encourage them to get better? “If the answer is no, it’s time to change the dialogue. Remember to be a good friend to yourself. 

Woman on field hugs herself to achieve improved self-esteem

Improved self-esteem is about acceptance and forgiveness

It’s hard to like everything by itself, which is why self-acceptance is such a long journey. When you drown in guilt, it can hurt your self-esteem quite severely. When you do not forgive and accept yourself, you will only nurture your self-pity and your self-hatred.

Kristin Neff, who conducted a study on self-esteem at the University of Texas, says that if you are able to treat yourself nicer, you can improve your self-esteem in a healthier way.

Therefore, it is possible to improve your self-esteem. But to do so, you must forgive yourself by accepting that you are only a human being and that it is a part of life to make mistakes. Do not bring yourself down because of past mistakes. 

Realistic goals

One obstacle to improved self-esteem is setting goals that are too difficult to achieve. If you do this, you will only get frustrated and it will nurture a negative self-perception.

It is important to combine different goals. Big challenges will help you grow, but it is also essential to maintain small goals that can make you feel you are on the right track.

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