I Can Not Do It All, I’m Tired Of Being Tired

I can not do it all, I'm tired of being tired

I can ‘t do it all at times. Sometimes it’s too much for me. I do not have enough hands, eyes or time for everyone and everything… I am tired of being tired.

But it fits: I can not do it all. And it’s healthy to acknowledge where my boundaries lie. Realizing that I need time for myself. It’s healthy to say ‘I can no longer’.

Many of us have come to a point where we are tired of being tired. Life can be overwhelming because it is not just our body that is empty. But we also have two angry voices debating in our minds. The first does nothing but shout  “do not stop now, you have too much to give yourself.” The other insists:  “but what if I can no longer?

It’s not enough to sing “ Let It Go”  from Frozen out  loud, take a free night or cut ourselves off from everything for a few hours. Perhaps we imagine that we are the last on  earth, that we are finally alone, and that nothing demands our attention.

These are just patches on our deep wounds. It stops the bleeding, but it does not solve the problem.

There is a kind of  exhaustion that deceives the underlying stress and anxiety. We can not think clearly and we get sick because we can not do it all.

Tired man can not do it all and gives up

I’m tired of being tired and not being able to handle life

Here is an example. Carolina works every day from nine to five. When she is off work, she takes care of her mother, who has Alzheimer’s. 

Each month, she puts a portion of her salary aside so she can pay for a master’s degree for her sister. She keeps it a secret from her current unemployed husband.

Carolina wants the best for everyone. She wants to take care of her mother, give her sister a good future and take care of her marriage.

Carolina’s physical and mental exhaustion is extreme. There are days when she is considering other options. Maybe she could pay someone to help her with her mother. But she knows this would remove the possibility that she could help with her sister’s studies.

The brain is looking for alternatives, and it is the forehead lobes that perform the task of planning, reflecting and analyzing. But when you can not come up with good solutions, then the primitive brain comes into play.

Then we feel paralyzed when our brain chemistry changes. We feel trapped and think,  “No matter what I do, everything will go wrong.”

Our heartbeat accelerates, the hormones get out of balance and the demon’s fear takes over. It destroys everything, and fatigue seeps into all the atoms of our being. It happens because we can not do it all ourselves.

Exhausted woman can not do it all

I can ‘t do it all at times, but it’s okay

I have so much I have to achieve, I do not know where to start. But if I do not start now, it will be so much worse later . ” ” My boss will fire me if I do not finish this .” ” My parents will be angry if I do not come along

If we look at the language we use, then we can see a pattern of “ if”  and “ when”. If I do not do this, then this will happen .”

Living based on our worst-case scenarios wears on the mind and kills our energy. It’s that simple. Accepting that you do not know everything is healthy, because if you try to carry it all on your shoulders, you will sooner or later collapse.

Take a look at these suggestions and examine your heart in depth.

Woman with lotus flower is born again

Tired of being tired? It’s time to change your focus

Although it’s hard to admit, we sometimes fall into our own trap. Saying to ourselves, “that we can do it all” is dangerous. That’s a mistake. But we can correct it by changing our thought patterns:

  • Every day when you get up, remember the simple phrase: ” I do the best I can with the resources I have and the state I am in.”
  • Avoid language or thought traps. Instead of saying,  “I’m not good enough, I have to work harder to cope.” So say,  “I want to do my best every day and every moment, but without neglecting myself.”
  • When you sense that your body can no longer… Despite sleeping enough, analyze your thoughts. Sometimes it is our own discouragement and overthinking that wears us down the most. “I can not do it,” “I can not figure anything out.”

Last but not least, it is essential that you take care of and pay attention to your circadian rhythm and routines. Take breaks, spend a few hours a day just on yourself. That does not mean you are performing less or failing someone. It’s healthy, it’s necessary. 

Having the  courage to say out loud that you have boundaries will not be the downfall of the earth. The stars stay up in the sky. The flowers do not all wither and die.

If you have the courage to stop trying to do it all, it will all be okay.  

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