How To Deal With Self-criticism

You have to commit to doing what makes you happy. This way, everything will come easily to you and success will be guaranteed.
How to deal with self-criticism

It’s understandable to feel nervous about something you’re really passionate about and want to succeed at. Sometimes success is just not part of destiny. If you learn to deal with self-criticism, you will stop putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.

When you try to change how you act, how you look or who you hang out with, you can become a victim of self-criticism. This usually happens when you are working on your goals and trying not to fail. It can make a difference to try to change who you are in order to please everyone.

Extreme self-criticism can have a negative impact on your mental health. It can also affect how you relate to people because it makes you think that people expect too much from you.

Most of the time, these expectations do not exist. Now that we agree on how bad self-criticism is for you, how can you tackle it and start loving yourself more?

Boy looks at himself in mirror to deal with self-criticism

1. Do not give too much self-criticism

First, it can be hard to realize that you are the only one pushing yourself. It is very likely that people around you are not that demanding, but you still worry about what they might think.

You need to understand that this stems from your lack of self-confidence and the need for perfection. If you constantly criticize yourself for your performance, appearance or relationship, you will only make yourself feel worse both mentally and emotionally.

Do not be so hard on yourself

Judging and over-criticizing yourself can turn into vicious cycles. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism. It is toxic to criticize yourself over trivial things. Instead, do not be so hard on yourself and learn from your mistakes.

Try to overcome the fear of rejection

Humans are social beings, which is why most of what we do involves other people. Therefore, one of people’s biggest fears is rejection.

Being too demanding can lead to anxiety about not being part of a group. However, you need to understand that not everyone will like you and that it should not be a problem.

Drawing of person going up stairs to success

Learn from the cycles you experience to deal with self-criticism

You can not be happy all the time, and sometimes it does not mean much to you to achieve your goals. Everyone goes through internal cycles, such as dealing with your hormones, or external cycles, such as dealing with relationships. It is normal to experience some ups and downs in your daily life, but do not be too hard on yourself because you are having a bad day.

How to deal with self-criticism

If this happens and you start criticizing yourself, think about what happened that day, week or month. The bad experience will affect how you feel about your performance, and you need to recognize what makes you feel down.

How you handle self-criticism will help you understand why you feel and act the way you do.

Think about what you have achieved

Even if you already know why you feel the way you do, but you’re still angry or sad, give this a try. If you go back in time and think about what you did right, what you accomplished, or how you made your loved ones feel proud of you, you will begin to feel better. You can imagine yourself in similar situations.

Smiling woman with arms over head in office

3. Do what makes you happy

You have to commit to doing what makes you happy. This way, everything will come easily to you and success will be guaranteed.

By completing what you are embarking on, you will help yourself deal with self-criticism and give yourself a reason to love yourself. Choose a job that makes you happy, keeps you active and helps you form bonds with positive people.

No one will love you if you do not first love yourself. Thus, you need to find happiness in yourself and accept who you are.

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