Habits That Lower Your IQ

These are all the habits that lower your IQ. Therefore, the smartest thing to do is to keep them under control. It’s okay when they’s just sporadic actions – just remember that too much of everything is often a bad thing.
Habits that lower your IQ

This article is about a series of habits that lower your IQ that are likely to be part of your daily routine. You may not have thought that habits have anything to do with your IQ. However, research has proven that they have a crucial effect on the way your brain works.

These habits that lower your IQ  have to do with the way you eat and your lifestyle in general. Studies have shown that certain activities that you perform systematically can affect cognitive abilities.

Remember that IQ is a “measurement of intelligence” that is obtained using a psychometric test. Although not everyone agrees on the usefulness of this metric survey or the consequences that could come from it, there is clear evidence that the people who have certain habits get a worse result on these tests.

Let’s take a look at the habits that lower your IQ:

The intake of saturated fats

Many of the meals we consume every day can have a high percentage of saturated fats. We can find these fats in dairy products, fatty meats and sausages. Researchers have discovered that these types of foods affect the cardiovascular system because they increase the “bad cholesterol”, which destroys important functions in the bloodstream.

Woman eating a burger, symbolizing habits that lower your iq

As a result, there is a poorer blood supply to the body, which results in less oxygen reaching the brain, thus making its functions worse. In addition, it damages many of the processes in which the brain intervenes, regulates and changes our state of mind, resulting in a higher degree of negative emotions, such as grief.

Multitasking is one of the habits that lowers your IQ

Neurologist, Earl Miller, conducted a study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The research focused on the effects of working with a split attention, such as multitasking. The results were clear.

This study showed that the brain is not designed to multitask. People create the illusion that they are doing many things at once. In reality, however, and from a cognitive point of view, the thought process does not stop being sequential. Likewise, the cost is high when it comes to having a good intellectual function.

Watching too much TV

Watching too much TV is one of the habits that lowers your iq

Watching television is a very common way to entertain ourselves. It is undoubtedly one of the cheapest and simplest forms of distraction. It makes us feel relaxed because we do not really have to make any physical or mental effort. We just sit there and watch what’s happening on TV.

However, the cost can be very high. Watching too much TV is one of the habits that lowers your IQ. Not only does it make you passive – it also dampens your brain in some way.

Not getting quality sleep

Getting good quality sleep is one of the best habits we can build to take care of our mental function. A good night’s sleep makes us feel revived, energetic and ready to face a new day.

Studies show that people who do not get enough sleep, or those who do not get a good quality sleep, feel more quickly that they are bored, make more mistakes and are more emotionally unstable. In addition, they are definitely more irritable, which means that something can make them very upset very easily (and remain disturbed for a long time).

Similarly , some studies show that getting a good night’s sleep makes it easier for us to learn new things. When we are well rested, it is easier for us to pay attention, and incorporate the new information into the brain.

To consume too much sugar

Large amounts of sugar also prevent the brain from functioning properly. A UCLA study found that if a person ingests large amounts of sugar for 6 weeks, they have a harder time learning and remembering information. Moreover, the fact that dementia has a higher incidence in people with diabetes is not just a coincidence.

A glass filled with sugar lumps

In addition, the same study showed that fruits with too much fructose can have the same effect. It is important to point out that the consumption of sugar in itself is not what is wrong. Sugar is actually one of the most important foods in our brain. It is when it comes to excessive sugar consumption that the real problem arises.

These are all the habits that lower your IQ. Therefore, the smartest thing to do is to keep them under control. It ‘s okay when they’s just sporadic actions – just remember that too much of everything is often a bad thing. Take care of yourself so you can have a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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