Five Tips To Combat Academic Stress

Spending hours focusing on learning different topics is not an easy task. You therefore need to avoid distractions.
Five tips to combat academic stress

When the exams are just around the corner, all students want their grades to prove their hard work. As students feel stressed over this, both parents and children should be aware of a number of elements that may help them combat academic stress.

Their personal challenge is to pass all their exams with good grades.

Nowadays, stress is a problem that  can become chronic if not dealt with in a timely manner. The first step to reducing stress levels is to understand the reasons why it occurs. In this regard, we will take a closer look at how to combat academic stress.

Schedule your time to combat academic stress

Lack of planning can lead to academic stress. Not planning ahead can make us think we have wasted our time. Organize all days of the week based on duties, such as receiving certain topics and studying. It does not just help to internalize information. It also helps reduce restlessness and nervousness, and it makes it easier to combat academic stress.

You can start by  making a weekly schedule. Be realistic and evaluate the time you have. This is important so that you can arrange your priorities correctly. Do not forget to consider other aspects that may be beneficial to you, such as distraction and rest.

During exams, we tend to sleep less so we can study more. However, sleep and study go hand in hand and that is equally important. Sleep helps the brain process what it has learned during the day.

time planning

Avoid distractions

Spending hours focusing on learning different topics is not an easy task. You therefore need to avoid distractions. Do not hesitate to remove anything that may catch your attention and distract you from what you are doing.

First of all,  choose a suitable place to study. You need to feel comfortable in this place and have everything you need at hand. It can be your notes, computer, books, pencils, etc. There, you need to create a comfortable, appealing and undisturbed climate for yourself.

Avoid noisy places, mute your phone and avoid notifications that catch your attention. Focus on your duties. Remember that you have already established a time for distraction – a time you will enjoy more when you have finished all that needs to be done.

Take breaks to combat academic stress

It is important that you divide your study time. You do not have to study for hours without taking a break. It is necessary to take a break so that you can clear your mind for a while.

Take advantage of this time to rest your eyes and stretch your muscles, which tend to get tense when you sit down. It becomes more plausible to combat academic stress when you allow yourself to take relaxing breaks.

You can take these breaks according to the study periods you establish. For example, you can pause for a few minutes after completing a topic that required intense concentration.

During these leisure moments, it is recommended that you do an activity that has a beginning and an end. That means it should be a short, physical activity, such as hanging clothes up or tidying up your room.

woman running

Work out

The mental effort you have to make when studying can make you feel very tired or stressed. It is essential to combat academic stress because  accumulated exhaustion can have negative effects. 

According to this, training can help break your routine and distract you from your studies. Furthermore, it releases endorphins, helps stimulate memory and makes you, overall, feel better.

Therefore, if you normally practice a sport, do not stop during exams. This is exactly where you need to train the most. Try walking or jogging in the park because it will help you relax and unwind when in contact with nature.

Relaxation techniques to combat academic stress

You can put your trust in relaxation techniques to combat academic stress. Nowadays, mindfulness techniques are quite popular as they allow us to be more aware of the things we do and know ourselves on a deeper level.

They promote our well-being, improve our self-esteem and reduce blood pressure and muscle tension. Here are some examples:

  • Listen to music:  It will improve your mood, stimulate your brain and help you relax.
  • Deep or diaphragmatic breathing: Lie down, place one hand on your stomach and focus on your breathing.
  • Guided Thoughts: Make diaphragmatic road drawing  and then close your eyes and focus your thoughts on an imaginary environment that conveys a sense of peace, tranquility and silence.

While these things seem difficult to begin with, with practice, you will find that it is easier to combat academic stress than you might have thought. Sooner or later, you will start doing these things automatically and effortlessly. Not only will it help you during your exams, but it can also be used in other contexts.

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