Children With Anxiety: Symptoms And Treatment

Children’s anxiety is very different from the anxiety that adults can have.
Children with anxiety: Symptoms and treatment

Unfortunately, there are many cases of children with anxiety. But how does it differ from the anxiety that adults have? What are the symptoms? How can I help my child with anxiety? Read on and find out.

Children with anxiety are becoming more and more common. Children are overstimulated and the adults do not do much to spare them from it. Parents also put a lot of pressure on their children by letting them go to too much and giving them more activities instead of letting them play.

There are crucial differences in the anxiety that adults experience compared to the one that children experience. That is why researchers are looking at it separately. It is the only way to properly identify it and find effective ways to intervene.

In this article you will learn more about the most common symptoms and treatment for children with anxiety.

What is anxiety?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), anxiety is the body’s response to extreme stress. The feeling is an emotional response to a perceived or real threat. Depending on the type of anxiety the patient has, it can be triggered both internally and externally.

It is important to note that anxiety manifests itself in many different ways. In general, people talk about various psychological disorders associated with this problem. In the case of children, the disorders are similar to those of adults, but this does not mean that there are no significant differences.

Symptoms in children with anxiety

1. Selective dumbness

Selective silence is if the child does not speak in situations where you would normally expect them to speak. This silence interferes with the child’s life. It makes it a lot harder at school and it makes it hard for them to find friends.

Selective silence appears in cases where the child has no other speech limitations. Conversely, silence is a way for them to protect themselves, even if it is a source of emotional turmoil for themselves at the same time.

A psychologist can diagnose this problem in children as early as the age of five, although it usually only shows up later.

2. Separation anxiety

Most children get bored if they are separated from their parents. This can happen if the adults have to be away from them for a while or when children start school. In cases where there is actually separation anxiety, the symptoms tend to be more severe.

A child who suffers from separation anxiety feels extremely restless and upset when it is separated from its parents. It can happen if the child is going to school or on a trip, but it can also happen if one of the parents has to be away from home for a while.

The big problem with this kind of anxiety is that it directly affects the child’s emotional well-being. It can be considered with professional help.

3. Social phobia in children with anxiety

The last form of anxiety in children is social phobia. That is when a child is too shy to attach himself to other people, even if they really want to. They will also avoid certain situations so that they are not exposed to criticism.

Again, this type of anxiety in children goes beyond the child’s development. Fortunately, there are strategies so that psychologists can help children get back to a functioning level.

Thoughtful child looking out the window

Treatment for children with anxiety

1. Change their perception

Many professionals believe that anxiety manifests itself and is nurtured by a variety of irrational perceptions. In the case of children, the symptoms are somewhat less obvious, but the researchers believe that the source of anxiety in children with anxiety is their thoughts.

Therefore, most attempts to cure anxiety in children involve changing their misconceptions. The psychologist’s first task is to look for limiting thoughts and replace them with others that can better help the child.


Changing their thought patterns and processes is not the only thing you can do for children with anxiety. You can also help the child slowly expose them to what they are afraid of. Only in this way will the child be able to overcome their fear and normalize it.

This process can be extremely complicated. But the most important strategies to help children with anxiety are those that we have mentioned above. Child psychologists are trained to treat children. With their help and the right intervention in the home, the symptoms will disappear.

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