All Adults Have An Inner Child Hidden Inside Them

All adults have an inner child hidden inside them

For most of us, childhood is a symbol of purity, innocence, vitality and joy. Who wouldn’t want to travel back to the time when everything was laughter and love and your biggest concern was what dessert your mom had made? What if now we still had a bit of the inner child in us? Maybe when we worry about renewal, happiness and enjoying the little things in life, we express a need to give a voice to this wise inner child. And we have to listen to it once in a while.

Your life force is your inner child who wants to advance

As we get older, more than just physical change happens. Our attitude is also changing. When you lose your curiosity, as Saramago would say, you stop being a child. Maybe that’s why we all long for the moments when we see a child smile. Because that child has no worries or any responsibilities.

Child with birds around him

One of the requirements of an adult life is to be able to look to the future and recognize that what we do today has consequences over time. And at the same time, being an adult also means that we must take responsibility for our actions and take care of our loved ones.

Of course, you have to remind yourself of that. But do not forget your inner child. The child who pushes you to be creative renews you so you never stop feeling young. Thank your inner child for never stopping believing in life.

When was the last time you thought about what really makes you happy?

The Little Prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry gives us an unsurpassed learning about who we are: adults who have forgotten themselves. Thanks to books like this, we gain a deeper understanding that we all have an inner child who enjoys the small details of life and accepts us as we are. It is true that “that which is essential is invisible to the eye.

The reaction of the adults this time was to advise me to put my drawings of the royal inhabitants away (which I had otherwise drawn both in their exterior and their interior), and instead throw myself over geography, history, arithmetic and grammar… Adults can never even figure out to understand anything. It is tiring for children to always have to explain everything ”.

–Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the little prince-

If we were more tolerant of the part of ourselves that wants to distance itself from the negative in the adult world, we would also realize that what often makes us happiest is far from obvious. So if you  look at it from a child’s perspective, it will help you recognize this earlier than if it came from a perspective of the ordinary world.

Accept your inner child and look at the world with new eyes

Adulthood is perhaps nothing more than a change in perspective, given that we go from being amazed at everything around us to being scared if something deviates from the normal. Is it not true that normal things can be seen through extraordinary eyes? Maybe that’s the key: to be amazed at the world, as if it’s the first time you see it, as someone receiving the best stroke of luck in their life. In a way, you will find value in everything you do not normally see around you.

Girl blows gold dust and tries to rediscover her inner child

There is nothing wrong with letting your inner child come out. That does not mean you are giving up on your adult side. Just that you come to a balance between the two, which allows you both to take care of your life and to accept the extraordinary things of life. To see the world through adult eyes is necessary. But decorating it with details from your inner child is amazing.

“We look down into the abyss of old age, and the children come from behind and push us down there.” 

-Gómez de la Serna, Greguerías-

Be sensible and listen to your inner child. Because it has more to teach you than you think. And it will lead you to your happiness. Do not lose your curiosity, desire to enjoy life or your innocence. A analyzes the world as the little prince would do. Try to get to the point where you are not distracted by what you see.

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