7 Ways To Become Emotionally Stronger

7 ways to become emotionally stronger

Being emotionally strong is about resilience, the ability to handle all the highs and lows of life. To have a flexible mind that can change and confidently accept challenges with bravery and determination. When we become emotionally stronger, we get a better life.

Lao-Tse was right when he said that a strong person can overcome other people, but that a powerful person can overcome himself. Yet there are people who go through their entire lives without ever having overcome themselves.

Man in front of lake explores the world to become emotionally stronger

How to become emotionally stronger: 7 steps

Emotional strength is not like the gold at the end of the rainbow. If you want to become emotionally stronger, you just need to do some real inner work. It requires private, intimate, careful craftsmanship and the right kind of psychological tools.

Now let’s look at the steps to get there.

1. Self-awareness: 20 minutes daily personal reflection

In the same way that you spend part of your day exercising, reading or watching television, it is also a good idea to “give yourself” a small window to reflect and practice your self-awareness.

One thing you need to be emotionally stronger is to learn to distance yourself from the things around you. That way, you can see what your own needs really are and dive deep into yourself and clearly see how things affect you.

2. Accept negative emotions

Let’s think about something for a second. For a long time, the world convinced us that we “should be happy.” We have heard it so many times that we have all ended up as “addicts” of positive emotions.  But a side effect of this is that we can not deal with negative emotions. We do not see their significance.

Sadness blocks you, anger makes you go too far, and you swallow one disappointment after another without really knowing what to do with such difficult feelings. But people who are emotionally strong accept them. Just remember that acceptance does not mean giving up. Instead, it means acknowledging certain internal facts so that one can act on them.

Recognize that obstacles are not walls, they are challenges

In the development of the psychological resources one will have to become stronger emotionally and it will not go fast or be easy. But this strategy will take you far in the process: Make sense of every obstacle in your life. You need to talk about them to yourself and to others as challenges, not failures or dead ends.

What may at first seem like an end is nothing more than an open door to build something new. You can go through it and see all the new options on the other side.

Woman jumps on adventures to become emotionally stronger

4. Do not demand people’s attention, demand their respect

Some people spend their lives begging for other people’s attention. They need it as oxygen, because without it they will feel defenseless and lost. As soon as they receive recognition or satisfaction from their friends and family, they will be validated and their self-esteem will be assured.

But this unhealthy habit prevents people from becoming emotionally stronger. What we need is not attention, it is respect. It is the same thing we give to other people so that we can all live as free individuals. Self-employed people who do not need other people to tell them what to do or how to express themselves.

5. Remember that change is a part of life

A hallmark of emotionally strong people is enthusiasm. Enthusiastic people have a certain inner strength that gives them energy to overcome resistance. They love finding new challenges to grow through.

Change is a part of life. A person stuck somewhere will end up collapsing. They will lose their wonderful enthusiasm. So always remember the value of change and how good and necessary it is.

6. Learn to be grateful

At first it may seem naive or ignorant, but in fact, the daily act of thanking for what you have achieved, what you have, what you are, and what you have around you is an extremely healthy exercise.

Try to keep a gratitude diary. It’s just a diary where you can write about all the positive things about you, your life and the blessings that have the ability to motivate you and make you emotionally stronger.

7. Today is the best day to make your dreams come true

Being emotionally stronger also means fearless struggle for what you want. You do not have to postpone your dreams until tomorrow. Are you one of those people who says “ one day I will tell this person how much I like them ”, “ one day I will ask my boss about that journey ,“ one day I will take the amazing trip , “ One day… “?

But “one day” is not in the calendar. You let time go by and life slips through your fingers out of indecision and fear. Is it worth it? Of course not. So work on your self-confidence, your self-esteem and your determination, then add a few drops of courage. Then make your dreams come true.

Woman travels to become emotionally stronger

Becoming  emotionally  stronger is a process that actually never ends. It requires daily work. You need to train your mental muscles with every challenge, adversity and dream that comes into your life. Be brave and seek happiness on the path to self-care and self-love.

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