7 Signs That You Need More Self-insight

7 signs that you need more self-insight

Gaining self-insight is perhaps the most difficult, but most important thing one can do. There are some signs that indicate whether one knows oneself well or not. Of course, no one can achieve complete self-awareness as it is a very subjective process. Being both the learner and the one to learn something about makes it very difficult to achieve.

Accepting and valuing oneself is a sign that one knows oneself well. At the same time, only those who accept and value themselves can live a self-satisfying life. That is why self-insight is so important, as one’s actions and goals largely depend on it.

Education and the environment can complicate this process. All are inevitably interpreted by the people around them from the moment they are born. In other words, other people give meaning to who we are and what we do in our lives.

This interpretation is almost never correct. It has more to do with people interpreting than it has with you. The process of gaining self-insight begins by distinguishing oneself from the way others view one. So, how do you know you do not know yourself? We will share a few signs of it with you below.

You seek your own truth outside of yourself

One of the signs that one does not know oneself is that one seeks answers, reasons or motives in external factors. One does not think one possesses wisdom. One underestimates one’s inner self and believes in the outer things around oneself.

Man lying on roof to gain self-insight

Perhaps one has not yet realized that the answers to one’s feelings and destiny exist only within. And if they come from others, then they are always biased. And probably they are wrong. Nothing and no one has the right to tell you what to do or how to feel. The answer always lies within yourself.

You compare yourself to others due to lack of self-awareness

Comparing yourself to others is the wrong way to answer questions about who you are and what you are capable of doing. You can ‘t do that, and it’s because of this and that . And if many others do something specific, then this is the right path.

When you compare yourself to others, you fall into a trap. Is it fair to compare yellow with blue?  Does it make sense to draw parallels between water and earth? Comparisons only lead to frustration and false self-love, especially when it becomes neurotic. 

You regret saying “yes” or “no”

This is another typical sign of lack of self-awareness. One doubts all the decisions one makes. It does not matter if it is large or small. One always doubts it. And you often end up choosing the option you did not really want.

Woman in pink sweater sitting with back to camera

You say “yes” or “no,” because you feel pressured by the circumstances or by another person. You say “no,” because you are afraid of being too careless. You say “yes” to follow the flow. You do not listen to your heart, your mind or your experiences until you commit to a “yes” or a “no.” And then you end up regretting it later.

You seek recognition from powerful people

People who do not know themselves very well are fascinated by powerful people. In fact, they do not evaluate the quality of these people. But they consider them more important and seek their recognition, no matter what values ​​they represent.

Getting recognition from powerful people makes up for the insecurity that is created by not knowing oneself  and having enough self-insight.  It is a way of replacing the bond of one’s inner self with a bond of another who has enough power to suppress one’s insecurities.

You are deeply affected by criticism and ridicule

Because you have not developed your own criteria for evaluating your own actions, you give too much value to the opinions of others. If they have a positive opinion of one, then one feels peace. If their opinion is critical, then one’s world collapses into one.

Being dependent on the opinions of others is a surefire way to distort one’s self-image. Of course, we all want others to accept us and like us. But it must not be at the expense of our identity, because then it becomes meaningless.

If you make a mistake, you want to die

When you do not know yourself well, then you tend to judge yourself harshly. To know is to understand. When one knows oneself, one’s judgment becomes more objective. One looks not only at the results, but also at the process, the reasons and the consequences.

Understanding oneself leads to a more friendly self-evaluation. If you make a mistake, you can more easily forgive yourself because you understand that it is experience. If you do not know yourself, then you consider the mistake a threat. One fears that one might destroy oneself and disappear.

One reacts impulsively to conflicts

People with self-awareness are not attracted to conflicts. They know they have a limited amount of emotional energy and can not afford to waste it on unnecessary things. The opposite happens with people who do not know themselves. They seek out conflicts as a way of affirming themselves. But never too great conflicts.

A sign of good self-awareness is self-control. If you know yourself, then you know how to deal with emotions. You are rarely carried away by impulses. Otherwise, you may overreact to trivial situations because you feel threatened by everything.

Self-awareness is a process that takes a lifetime. But all the effort you put into it is worth it. When you do that, you are helping your self-awareness, independence, freedom and security to a higher level. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to navigate through the riddles and wonders of the most important person in your life: you.

Pictures of Yuschav Arly

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